Friday, February 22, 2013

My-StreetArt Team Tears Up Palm Beach

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

he My-StreetArt Chicago App is coming along smoothly after a period of not-so-smoothly. We rearranged some fundamental features of the back-end and finally have the front end running fluidly.  If you would have asked me a month ago, how things are going, I would have given you the I am defeated look. The App model kept crashing. Uploading and organizing photos was a nightmare. Contacting and identifying artists was tedious. None of the features on the app build were fully operational, I would have preferred a slow death. I wanted to write death by Holocaust, but nobody jokes about the holocaust. Seriously. Then things began to turn around. I met a cat named Flash. He has chronicled the past ten years of Chicago's streetart scene with his camera and time. Flash is, to say the least, resourceful. He schooled me on the rules of the game. The programmers started to kick it up a notch, the flaws in the programming started to go by the wayside. We have some new artists on board. These dudes are beasts with a spray can. Welcome Nerd and Romewon, to name a few.  Kbizzle started to dribble. Thanks bizzle.  And it was only a matter of time before I woke up knowing I am putting out the baddest StreetArt App on the Market.  Chicago will be heard!  
Romewon and Statik