Saturday, July 11, 2015

Toronto is a serious Graff town

We took a special trip to Toronto, having heard they have a serious graf scene.  It is serious indeed.  We photographed graffiti alley and along through some of the alleys along Queen Street. We hit Kensington Market area and down by the distillery.  We only got to a fraction what was there. Graffiti is a part of Toronto's urban landscape. Unlike in cities like Chicago where a lot of the graf is in designated areas outside the downtown area, Toronto's graffiti is all up and down its alleyways.  Imagine taking the graffiti in an area like Crawford Steel in Chicago and putting it all up and down the alleys of Bucktown? So as much as the graffiti there is a part of the urban landscape, it is out of view, in some sense, designated to alleys. I just have to add, Toronto has very little crime. Big ups. We got to see some legendary writers, such as @ansermysteriousdate, and @birdo, while there. They go hard in the paint. Writers of Toronto, we salute you.  
Check out more: my-streetart

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Miami Marine Stadium with Risk and Rone

Great day at Miami Marine Stadium and a pleasant surprise when some of my favorite artists were there painting
Image by Rone
Image of Risk

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

French street artist Zoo Project slain in Detroit.

French street artist, Zoo Project, slain in Detroit. The 23 yr artist Bilal Berreni was considered a nomad by friends, was found shot and either pushed or fallen out of an abandoned housing project on Detroit's  East Side, The Brewster Project, which had been vacant since 2008. He was very likely thevictim of a robbery. To quote The Sunday Detroit Free Press, Berreni's father said about his son, "he was interested in what can be born from chaos, and created art with social messages." Zoo Project, we salute your wandering spirit and send our condolences to your family. 

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